Press release

23 August 2024 08:03

Cell Impact Q2 2024: New customers and growing sales

The quarter was dominated by continued efforts related to new and established customer projects which led to increased sales.

The Group’s net sales for the second quarter of 2024 amounted to SEK 23.8 million (17.2), up 38 percent year-on-year and 310 percent on the preceding quarter.

“During the quarter, we continued our dedicated and cost-conscious efforts to advance our operations according to plan, and we are currently heavily booked with various types of customer projects,” said Daniel Vallin, interim CEO.

Cell Impact continued to strengthen its collaboration with F.C.C., and the companies signed a main agreement.

“One tangible example of the success of our collaboration is the order received by F.C.C. from a leading Japanese global supplier in April, covering design, tools, and prototypes,“ said Daniel Vallin.

The core of the Cell Impact offering lies in the company’s patented forming technology – Cell Impact Forming™ – and the expertise concerning the development, design, and production of flow plates.

Some customers purchase flow plates and other view Cell Impact as a process provider.

“I am hopeful that the agreement signed with a European industrial supplier for the development of a test tool, which we announced in early July, as one of many others will progress in a positive direction. The flexibility we offer means that we are well positioned to respond to growing demand,” said Daniel Vallin.

As communicated prior to the preferential rights issue in 2023, adjustments to the financial targets, due to lower demand, could not be excluded. Since then, activity levels have increased and today Cell Impact announces that, although pushed back two years, the level of the financial targets remain unchanged, meaning:

  • Sales target 2027 (net sales): SEK 200–250 million
  • Sales target 2030 (net sales): >SEK 600 million
  • Profitability target, medium-term (EBITDA margin): >15 percent

“We still expect to be able to break even on EBITDA in 2025. Over the long term, we see a potentially higher EBITDA margin compared with medium-term profitability,” concluded Daniel Vallin.

Financial summary

  • Net sales totaled SEK 23.8 million (17.2).
  • Operating loss (EBIT) was SEK –19.6 million (–27.2).
  • The Group’s result after financial items was SEK –20.9 million (–28.5).
  • Earnings per share attributable to the Parent Company’s shareholders before and after dilution totaled SEK –0.04 (–0.38).
  • Debt/equity ratio was 82 percent (76) on the balance sheet date.
  • Cash flows from operating activities amounted to SEK –11.2 million (–24.2).
  • On the balance sheet date, the Group’s cash and cash equivalents* totaled SEK 22.6 million (79.5).

* On August 22, the Group’s cash and cash equivalents amounted to SEK 20.2 million. As previously announced, our prediction is that financing has been secured into 2025.

This information is inside information that Cell Impact AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation.


For more information, please contact:
Daniel Vallin
CEO and IR contact, Cell Impact AB (publ)
+46 730 68 66 20 or

Malin Lundberg
CFO, Cell Impact AB (publ)
+46 703 90 79 59 or

About Cell Impact
Cell Impact AB (publ) is a global supplier of advanced flow plates to fuel cell and electrolyzer manufacturers. The company has developed and patented a unique method for high velocity forming, Cell Impact Forming which is significantly more scalable and cost-efficient compared to conventional forming methods. Cell Impact Forming is an environmentally friendly forming technology that consumes no water and very little electrical power. The Cell Impact share is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and FNCA Sweden AB is the company’s Certified Advisor (CA).